French Tech Emergence grant
Over the past few months, Fluidichem has been labeled as a Deeptech company by BPI and has obtained the French Tech Emergence grant. This grant is a great opportunity for Fluidichem as it allows funding for the development of a self-optimized flow reactor. The research …
Collaboration with LIMA
Fluidichem is delighted to announce the signature of a collaboration agreement with LIMA, and more specifically with Prof. Jean-Philippe Goddard and Dr. Morgan Cornier of the CRHI team (Radical, Heterocyclic & Interface Chemistry). This collaboration will enable Fluidichem and the CRHI team to work on …
Incubation at SEMIA
Fluidichem is delighted to announce that its project has entered individual incubation at SEMIA! After taking part in the Starter Class, Fluidichem was approved for individual incubation by the commitment committee. SEMIA’s support and expertise will be essential to Fluidichem’s development. Eric Wimmer would like …
Welcome Nour !
Fluidichem is thrilled to welcome Nour to our team. Having joined us a few weeks ago, Nour brings a wealth of expertise in programming, automation, and in-line analysis, which will play an important role in advancing the development of our high-throughput synthesis robot. We look …
New premises
Fluidichem has reached a new milestone and is now occupying premises at the University of Mulhouse. Installation will take place in the coming weeks. More information coming soon. Fluidichem would like to thank Nicolas BLANCHARD for his help in setting up the contract, as well …